Pumps & Valves Engineering

The variety in nature of dam-age sustained by pumping equip-ment demands a comprehensive understanding of the design and operation of different pumps and systems in order to provide effec-tive refurbishment and protection. IFOS offers a comprehensive service for repair, refurbishment and protection, including specialistprocedures for:

• Severe corrosion/erosion dam-age in areas such as volutes, cut-waters and neck rings

• Reprofiling of water passages

• Making good deep pitting and porosity in pump casings

• Coating machined areas such as neck ring joints

• Returning coated components to original tolerances, facilitating the return of good pumping efficiency

• Sophisticated mechanical engi-neering capabilities including the re-manufacture of impellers and the manufacture of shafts

• Metal stitching and laminating techniques IFOS pioneered the field of R&D into coatings designed to maximise the performance and effi-ciency of pumping installations with the development of the Fluiglide system, increases in efficiency levels.