Photoluminescent Safety Products


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CORROCOAT EGYPT specializes in supplies and installation of Photoluminescent Safety Products for onshore / offshore industrial installations and vessels same as commercial buildings, metro / rail stations and tunnels, road markings, factory or office premises, etc.
With latest Photoluminescent Technology Products Everlux facilitate our clients to meet all the strict requirements and ISO standards of safety regulations. Conformance to safety standards is key in ensuring the best possible fire safety signs. CORROCOAT EGYPT is proud to be the supporter of Everlux Photoluminescent Products for Middle East / GCC region.

Everlux products are fully accredited by third party testing and have achieved the Lloyd’s Register Type Approval certify action for marine, offshore, industrial and commercial applications for safety signs and escape route illumination .

Everlux Photoluminescent Safety Products now include fire safety signs, health and safety signs, safety way guidance systems, Photoluminescent paint, and Photoluminescent safety tapes. All these Everlux
component products are used to illuminate, identify and locate emergency equipment in power loss situations.

If the only signage present is positioned at the high level there is no guarantee that it will ensure a safe evacuation of the premises, particularly if smoke is present. As such, It is recommended that high level signage is augmented by a photoluminescent (phosphorescent) signage system at the low/ground level.

Steps - through the application of photoluminescent (phosphorescent) L' s on each step

Stair flights - by applying a self-adhesive non-slip photoluminescent (phosphorescent) strip along the length of the first and last steps of each flight

Handrails - by applying a photoluminescent (phosphorescent) self- adhesive strip along the length of the handrail which will allow for quick recognition.


The Everlux - LLL (Low Location Lighting) system fully complies with the requirements of BS ISO 16069:2014 (Safety Way Guidance System) and is proven to be an extremely effective means of highlighting escape routes and ensuring that evacuation process is carried out swiftly safe and without panic.